February 8, 2009

Out On A Limb?

Welcome to my blog, Out On A Limb! I suppose I could have chosen a more mundane title, like The Chronicles of Jen Levine, as I fully intend for this blog to be nothing more than an account of the events and thoughts that crop up in my daily life. However, in choosing this idiom, I realize that I am committing myself to a sense of direction for my future blog entries. Hopefully, I can live up to this commitment! 

The mere fact that I have even decided to become a blogger, is perhaps in itself going "out on a limb"! I am not one for sharing my personal thoughts, stories, beliefs, views, opinions etc. with the world. If you know me well you have probably had an earful of "life from Jen's point of view", whether it came to you directly or indirectly. If you do not know me well, I suppose this is the place to get to know me more...and maybe even to understand me (good luck). I'm afraid that I am giving myself an opportunity for another computer-based, time wasting addiction, but I could no longer resist the web-log (hence the word "blog") world!

Alas, becoming a blogger is only my surface reason for choosing the title Out On A Limb. Beneath the surface, I find this commonplace phrase extremely suitable as a description of me and a description of my life. More often than not I find myself going "out on a limb". Sometimes the limb is short and sturdy, and the chances of it breaking under me are not really all that threatening. But other times the limb is long and shaky, and I fear the consequences of stepping farther onto it. I think we are all faced with these instances in our daily lives. 

Blogging is something that I have been contemplating doing for a long time. I have a passion for expressing myself through writing. In fact, I feel that I write a lot better than I speak (due in part to the delete key on the keyboard). When I find myself "out on a limb", whether it is short or long, you will find an entry on my blog. Or, when I just feel like writing on my blog, you will also find an entry...because for me, THAT is also going "out on a limb"!


  1. I LOVE it - thanks for sharing! I'm really looking forward to reading more...

  2. i'm excited for this!!!!!!! yay- u were born to be a blogger!!!! :)

  3. you are braver than I! ;-) I look forward to reading more about you. Who knows? Maybe you'll inspire me to go "out on a limb", too.

  4. woo-hoo! I can't wait to hear more about the adventures of Jen and her "out on a limb" episodes! Welcome to the blogging world Jen! It's fun, addictive and informative. You can learn a LOT from other bloggers. Check out my friend's page audreycaroline@blogspot.com Unbelievable story and testimony! Love ya!

  5. correction...her website is www.audreycaroline.blogspot.com happy reading!
    Love ya, Dawna

  6. wheres entry #2????????? waiting...tick tick tick.....

  7. looking forward to your next post! come visit me at http://pattiedmon.blogspot.com

  8. Way to go Jen. Great writing!

  9. Awesome!
    Can't wait to read more.
